
Site/ Corporate Induction

  • Site Induction training:
    • Provides an overview of the specific worksite, including safety procedures and emergency evacuation routes.
    • Helps new employees feel comfortable and confident in their new roles.
  • Corporate Induction training:
    • Provides a broader overview of the company, its culture, and its values.
    • Helps new employees understand their role in the company and how they can contribute to its success.

Streamlining Power Plant Safety: A Case Study in Remote Onboarding


A rapidly growing Houston-based oil and gas subcontractor needed to hire and onboard new employees remotely for a power plant construction project. They wanted a cost-effective way to ensure workers received essential safety training without requiring them to visit headquarters or purchase a dedicated learning management system (LMS).


eLearning Mentors stepped in to create a customised eLearning induction program. This online platform tackled two key issues: 

  • Comprehensive Safety Training: The program covered vital modules like specific hazards, PPE requirements, hazard identification and risk assessment, emergency procedures, housekeeping and spill control, working at heights, and confined space safety.
  • Features Used: Font & Colour Customised menu, Logo on introduction, Use of Photos, Lesson Menu, Lesson Progress, Flip Cards, Accordion, incorporation of video (By the client), Trigger added to client resources, timeline & process features, followed by the assessment which client wanted workers get 100% in order to pass the course.
  • Progress Tracking and Certification: eLearning Mentor’s LMS allowed the client to track worker progress, completion status, and even generate certificates upon successful completion.


The client achieved their goals:

  • Remote Hiring: They successfully hired qualified workers remotely, saving time and travel costs.
  • Streamlined Onboarding: New employees received essential safety training conveniently and efficiently, without needing to visit headquarters.
  • Cost Savings: The eLearning solution eliminated the need for a dedicated LMS or full-time staff to manage it.

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